A problematic coworker

I work full time as a receptionist at a hospital with one other person, 40 hours a week. She checks patients in, I check them out. She’s nice to everyone and doesn’t ask anything of you, which is sort of the problem I’m facing with this.

She does nothing to communicate what she actually needs help with from me, but instead has a Google group chat with people in which she is constantly complaining about things I do — and several people I have a lot of respect for are an audience to it.

I’ve taken photos of several of these conversations in which I’m mentioned (she isn’t very secretive about this) but don’t know what to do with them. I feel like I’d just be a tattletale if I brought it up to my boss but I’m very much not a fan of her telling people I respect that I’m practically a giant moron, either.

Any advice on dealing with this would be appreciated because I have no clue how to.

Author: whatexactlyisthedeal