calling out twice during probation period - scared to ruin awesome job

hey all. i work in a very progressive museum, with really understanding supervisors. ive been there for two months and its the perfect job for me. a couple weeks in, I had to call out because I wasn't feeling well, for disability related reasons (HR knows about my disability).

I've had nearly perfect attendance otherwise. Ive gotten really great feedback and have been told how much they want me there. Multiple of my new colleagues have told me that I was the first and unanimous choice during hiring. I work really hard, (have been told so) and I think I go above and beyond often. I am clearly not a slacker. My numbers are awesome.

The issue: I'm feeling truly awful, with no sleep, and 5 hours until my shift starts. I'm dizzy, weak, shaky, and can't keep food down. My face looks as bad as I feel. I really don't think I can go.

Should I try to sleep for an hour or so and hope I wake up better? Or should I call out now?

I'm terrified of losing this job. Any advice?

Author: Outrageous_House_924