Im about to start my villain era

I'm convinced that getting an actual job is impossible. I have a Masters and six years of experience in biotech, but my experience over the past three months has convinced me that there’s no point in even trying.

First off, I received this amazing job offer for my dream job at a government agency in DC. Put in my two weeks notice and moved to DC in September. Unfortunately, with the political turmoil, the entire department ended up getting scrapped, and I was left unemployed before I even started.

Since then, I’ve been applying to various companies, and it has been about as frustrating as you might expect.

The first company I ended up getting an interview with made me take a two hour long assessment and go through three interviews before completely ghosting me. A wtf moment, but whatever. It happens. I figured most companies wouldn’t just ghost someone after several interviews...

Company number two. Made me take another hour long assessment - which I scored in the top 1%. They schedule me for an interview and then tell me that I scored too high to proceed with my application. They were looking for people who could grow within the company, and apparently scoring too highly meant that you are an absolutely perfect human being -_- Again wtf. At least they didn’t ghost me I guess.

Company number three. Three interviews and ghost. This one was especially annoying since I made sure to send thank you emails to everyone involved in the process, and they couldn’t even spend two seconds to send an automatic rejection. I even sent followup emails one and two weeks after my last interview, but nothing.

Company number four. Three interviews and another assessment. Guess what??? Ghosted again! Sent thank you emails and followups and couldn’t even get a single email back.

Company number five. Two interviews with a third scheduled. The CEO canceled the interview last minute for no reason - Literally wrote 'No Reason' in reason tab. I sent an email to both the CEO and the recruiter who scheduled the interview to kindly ask if there was an opportunity to reschedule. I didn't receive a response, but I did receive an auto rejection email the next day. At least I wasn’t completely ghosted but still rude to cancel last minute.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to rant because this is absolutely disrespectful. I don’t expect an email for every application, but, if I have jumped through multiple hoops for your company, the least you can do is send a single response or rejection email. It’s even worse because I try to be as polite as possible whenever an interviewer is running late or needs to reschedule. I also make it a rule to always send a thank you email after an interview or screening. And yet, the same courtesy can’t be afforded to applicants.

Sincerely, A super-frustrated, soon-to-be maniacal villain

Author: Naive_Cat_6535