Job failed to extend my contract so Ive handed in my notice.

But I feel sort of bad. It’s likely anxiety kicking in because of the connections I’ve made with coworkers and customers.

I will give a little context. I’m on a working holiday visa and I have to have a contract that is temporary/fixed term. In February, I was extending my visa for another 12 months but I was given a permanent work contract. I was told to change it by my immigration advisor. I got the contract changed but I noticed that the dates were wrong. I needed March 2025 but got September 2024. I signed it anyways because I needed to show the contract to my immigration advisor immediately.

On the spot, my manager told me “we’ll extend your visa before sept” and I was like okay… half believing it but wanting it to happen sooner. Fast forward a couple months, that manager left and said “I’ve asked them to extend your contract.” Nothing

We get a new manager and I ask the same and he says “yes I’ll extend it.” (It’s June around).

Now it’s a month later and I’ve handed my notice in because there’s been no new contract. When I did so my manager told me that “someone said that they would get back to me but I didn’t follow up.”

Well I’ve left now for more pay and hours. Yay. But I also feel bad. Is this guilt normal? Is this even a good excuse to leave?

Author: praisywavy