Need interview advice

Hey everyone. I’m currently going through it and thought I would ask for advice.

I’ve been on about 8-9 city and government job panel interviews. I’ll pass the initial screening and/or test and move on to the final interview.

Once I do the interview I almost always immediately get declined. Given the first time this happened I asked around on what I should do in these interviews. I know for sure it has to be me and/or something I said or possibly didn’t say.

Many people told me to say as much as I could until I had nothing left to answer a given question. While others told me to specifically answer and keep things on point.

The farthest I’ve ever gone was being offered a position at the fbi but failed the polygraph due to me having a panick attack a month prior.

I can honestly say that I’ve tried all of these recommendations and nothing works. Even getting great feedback after the interview from the panel themselves only to immediately get declined. I really am at a loss and need some guidance.

Author: SymBiioTE